Start from clean slate and free up memory
Load R packages
## [1] 2185
## [1] 275
## [1] 1690 650 1629 3967 3520 3489 3248 1494 3572 4469
Convert network
object into edgelist
Check for attributes
## [1] "bipartite" "directed" "hyper" "loops" "mnext" "multiple"
## [7] "n"
## [1] 2186
## [1] "annualSales" "birthYear" "budget"
## [4] "city" "conferences" "currentEmployees"
## [7] "dbName" "deathType" "deathYear"
## [10] "degreeCentrality" "dues" "dunsno"
## [13] "eigenCentrality" "email" "employees"
## [16] "foundingYear" "galeName" "googleWebAddress"
## [19] "googlName" "lexNexName" "lineOfBusiness"
## [22] "localGroups" "locationType" "matrixName"
## [25] "members" "na" "naics1"
## [28] "naics10" "naics11" "naics12"
## [31] "naics2" "naics3" "naics4"
## [34] "naics5" "naics6" "naics7"
## [37] "naics8" "naics9" "nationalGroups"
## [40] "orgID" "ownership" "ownsOrRents"
## [43] "plantSize" "products" "properName"
## [46] "refUSAName" "regionalGroups" "salesAll"
## [49] "salesIndividual" "sic1" "sic10"
## [52] "sic11" "sic12" "sic13"
## [55] "sic2" "sic3" "sic4"
## [58] "sic5" "sic6" "sic7"
## [61] "sic8" "sic9" "staff"
## [64] "state" "stateGroups" "subjCategory"
## [67] "subjDescription" "subsidized" "vertex.names"
## [70] "webaddress" "zipcode"
## [1] "case1" "case2" "case3" "case4" "case5"
## [6] "case6" "case7" "case8" "case9" "caseName1"
## [11] "caseName2" "caseName3" "caseName4" "caseName5" "caseName6"
## [16] "caseName7" "caseName8" "caseName9" "na"
## [1] 4006 4006 4006 4536 4536 4491 6318 6318 6377 8230 8698
## [12] 8703 9142 6977 9142 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 11571 7437
## [23] 7930 7930 7930 9226 9226 9376 9226 9226 9226 9226 8230
## [34] 8230 9030 9301 9301 4006 4006 4006 4006 9158 6977 9158
## [45] 9158 9142 6977 9142 4006 4006 4491 4491 6318 6318 6377
## [56] 7930 7930 7930 7930 8230 9158 6977 4006 8230 4491 8230
## [67] 8230 8230 8698 11488 9189 11488 4491 9376 7930 6377 7930
## [78] 7930 7930 9376 8698 9376 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189
## [89] 9189 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [100] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [111] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [122] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [133] 9376 9376 6977 9376 8230 6318 6318 8230 7930 7930 7930
## [144] 7930 8230 9158 11689 9158 9158 9158 9158 6318 6318 8230
## [155] 9158 9376 9376 8230 8698 9376 9189 11670 11670 9189 9189
## [166] 9189 9189 9189 9189 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [177] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [188] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [199] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [210] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 6977 9376 9505 9505 9505 9505
## [221] 9505 9505 9505 9505 9505 11488 9454 9454 9454 8537 11624
## [232] 11624 11624 11612 11488 9142 9142 9142 11624 9226 9226 9226
## [243] 11624 11488 9226 11612 6318 8230 7930 7930 7930 7930 8230
## [254] 9158 9158 9158 9158 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9158
## [265] 9158 9158 6369 6369 6369 6369 6369 8698 6369 6369 6369
## [276] 6369 9158 6369 6369 6369 8698 6369 6369 8698 6369 8698
## [287] 8698 9376 9376 8230 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [298] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [309] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [320] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [331] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [342] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [353] 9376 9390 9376 9602 7922 7930 7930 7930 9376 9376 9376
## [364] 9376 9376 9376 7930 7930 9158 7930 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [375] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [386] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [397] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [408] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [419] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [430] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [441] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [452] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [463] 9376 9376 9158 9158 9158 9505 9505 9505 7930 7930 9602
## [474] 9602 9602 9142 9142 9142 9376 9602 7930 9376 9376 11624
## [485] 11624 8230 11624 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 11624 9390 8230
## [496] 9602 9602 9602 9030 11624 9390 11624 8230 11624 11612 8698
## [507] 9376 11624 11624 8230 11624 11612 8230 11571 9602 9158 11612
## [518] 9602 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 9158 11488 9390 9390
## [529] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [540] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9165 9165 11612 9767 9767 9767 9767
## [551] 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 11612 9767 9158 9158 9602
## [562] 11612 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [573] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [584] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [595] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [606] 9376 9376 8703 9376 9186 9186 9454 9454 9454 9454 9158
## [617] 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9142 9142 9142 9226 9226
## [628] 9226 9226 9142 9226 9226 9226 9226 9158 9158 9158 11670
## [639] 9158 11670 9158 9158 9158 9158 9158 11670 9158 9158 9158
## [650] 9158 9158 9158 9158 9158 9158 9158 11624 11624 9165 9165
## [661] 9165 9165 9165 9165 9165 9165 9165 9165 9390 9390 9390
## [672] 9390 9165 9390 9186 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 11488 9189
## [683] 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9189 9226 9226
## [694] 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226 9226
## [705] 9226 9226 9226 9301 9301 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [716] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [727] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [738] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [749] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [760] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [771] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [782] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [793] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [804] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [815] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [826] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [837] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [848] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [859] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [870] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [881] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [892] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [903] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [914] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [925] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [936] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [947] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [958] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [969] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 11612 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [980] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [991] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1002] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1013] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1024] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1035] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1046] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1057] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1068] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1079] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1090] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1101] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1112] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1123] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1134] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1145] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1156] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1167] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1178] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1189] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1200] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1211] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1222] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1233] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1244] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1255] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1266] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1277] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1288] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1299] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1310] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1321] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1332] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1343] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1354] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1365] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1376] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1387] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1398] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1409] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1420] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1431] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1442] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1453] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1464] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1475] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1486] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1497] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1508] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1519] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1530] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1541] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1552] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1563] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1574] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1585] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1596] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1607] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1618] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1629] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1640] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1651] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1662] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1673] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1684] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1695] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1706] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1717] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1728] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1739] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376
## [1750] 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9376 9390
## [1761] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1772] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1783] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1794] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1805] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1816] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1827] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1838] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1849] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1860] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1871] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1882] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1893] 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 9390 11624 9390 9390 9390 9390
## [1904] 9390 9390 9390 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454 9454
## [1915] 9454 9505 9505 9505 9602 9602 9602 9602 9602 9602 9602
## [1926] 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767
## [1937] 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767
## [1948] 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767
## [1959] 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767
## [1970] 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767 9767
## [1981] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [1992] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2003] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2014] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2025] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2036] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2047] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2058] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2069] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2080] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2091] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2102] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2113] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2124] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2135] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2146] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2157] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2168] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
## [2179] 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488 11488
Retrieve all node attributes and store in data.frame
attributes.list <-list.vertex.attributes(net)
attributes <- data.frame(sapply(attributes.list, function(x) get.vertex.attribute(net, x)))
attributes$node_id <- network.vertex.names(net)
Retrieve all edge attributes and store in data.frame (these are essentially multiple edgelists)
# Get edge attributes (list of amicus briefs SIGs signed together)
edgeatttr.list <- list.edge.attributes(net)
edge.attributes <- as.matrix(sapply(edgeatttr.list, function(x) get.edge.attribute(net,x)))
# Add edge attributes to edge.list
complete.matrix <- data.frame(cbind(mat, edge.attributes))
colnames(complete.matrix)[1:2] <- c("source", "target")
# Create edge weight = count of number of amicus briefs co-signed for edge dyad
complete.matrix$edge_value <- rowSums(sapply(colnames(complete.matrix[grep("(case)[[:digit:]]", names(complete.matrix))]), function(x) ifelse([[x]]), 0, 1)))
valued.mat <- complete.matrix[, c(1,2,ncol(complete.matrix))]
source | target | edge_value |
1 | 6 | 3 |
1 | 7 | 6 |
1 | 8 | 5 |
1 | 9 | 6 |
1 | 10 | 6 |
1 | 12 | 5 |
1 | 18 | 2 |
1 | 19 | 1 |
1 | 27 | 2 |
1 | 47 | 1 |
annualSales | birthYear | budget | city | conferences | currentEmployees | dbName | deathType | deathYear | degreeCentrality | dues | dunsno | eigenCentrality | employees | foundingYear | galeName | googleWebAddress | googlName | lexNexName | lineOfBusiness | localGroups | locationType | matrixName | members | na | naics1 | naics10 | naics11 | naics12 | naics2 | naics3 | naics4 | naics5 | naics6 | naics7 | naics8 | naics9 | nationalGroups | orgID | ownership | ownsOrRents | plantSize | products | properName | refUSAName | regionalGroups | salesAll | salesIndividual | sic1 | sic10 | sic11 | sic12 | sic13 | sic2 | sic3 | sic4 | sic5 | sic6 | sic7 | sic8 | sic9 | staff | state | stateGroups | subjCategory | subjDescription | subsidized | vertex.names | webaddress | zipcode | node_id | |
NA | 1967 | 7.4e+07 | New York | annual symposium | 100 | Environmental Defense Inc | NA | NA | 15 | individual, $25-$5,000 annual. | 07-982-2748 | 0.0912861889789961 | | 275 | 1967 | Environmental Defense | NA | NA | NA | Civic/Social Association Business Consulting Services | NA | HEADQUARTERS | ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE | 500000 | FALSE | 813410 | NA | NA | NA | 541618 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1690 | PRIVATE | RENTS | 33000 | CONSULTING SVC: Business, NEC MEMBERSHIP ORGS, CIVIC, SOCIAL & FRATERNAL: Protection | ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE | NA | 8 | 122811000 | 122811000 | 86419903 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 8748 | 8399 | 8699 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 300 | NY | 19 | Environmental and Agricultural Organizations | Environment; Environmental Education; Environmental Law; Law; Pollution Control | NON-SUBSIDIARY | 1690 | | 10010 | 1690 |
NA | 1866 | NA | La Palma | NA | 80 | Atlantic Richfield Co Inc | NA | NA | 5 | NA | 04-542-6723 | 8.57065140860854e-17 | NA | NA | 1870 | NA | NA | NA | NA | Professional Organization | NA | HEADQUARTERS | ATLANTIC RICHFIELD | NA | FALSE | 813920 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 650 | PRIVATE | OWNS | NA | ORGANIZATIONS: Professional | ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO | NA | NA | 9400000 | NA | 8621 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | CA | NA | NA | NA | NON-SUBSIDIARY | 650 | | 90623-253190623-2531 | 650 |
NA | 1933 | 5e+07 | Washington | annual convention (exhibits) - every June. | 197 | Edison Electric Institute Inc | NA | NA | 12 | associate (with less than $50 million annual revenues), $4,000 annual; associate (with more than $50 million annual revenues), $6,000 annual | 06-496-8670 | 2.6936332998484e-16 | | 197 | 1933 | Edison Electric Institute (EEI) | NA | NA | NA | Business Association | NA | SINGLE LOCATION | EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE | 200 | FALSE | 813910 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1629 | PRIVATE | RENTS | 115000 | ASSOCIATIONS: Trade | EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE | NA | NA | 20700000 | 20700000 | 8611 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 4911 | 86110100 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 200 | DC | NA | Trade, Business, and Commercial Organizations | Utilities | NON-SUBSIDIARY | 1629 | | 20004-2696 | 1629 |
NA | 1973 | 5e+06 | Sacramento | NA | 55 | PACIFIC LEGAL FOUNDATION | NA | NA | 5 | NA | 07-153-9878 | 1.10194089539253e-16 | | 55 | 1973 | Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) | NA | NA | NA | Legal Services Office | NA | HEADQUARTERS | PACIFIC LEGAL FOUNDATION | NA | FALSE | 541110 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 3967 | PRIVATE | NA | 14000 | LEGAL OFFICES & SVCS | PACIFIC LEGAL FOUNDATION | NA | NA | 7400000 | 7400000 | 8641 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 8111 | 8111 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 54 | CA | NA | Legal, Governmental, Public Administration, and Military Organizations | Public Interest Law | NON-SUBSIDIARY | 3967 | | 95834-2918 | 3967 |
NA | 1942 | 8.7e+07 | Arlington | annual meeting (exhibits) | 497 | NATIONAL RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION | NA | NA | 2 | silver (associate), $1,250 annual; gold (associate), $6,500 annual; platinum (associate), $12,000 annual | 04-549-7427 | 4.28532570430427e-17 | | 885 | 1942 | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) | NA | NA | NA | Business Association | NA | HEADQUARTERS | NATIONAL RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION | 1000 | FALSE | 813910 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 3520 | PRIVATE | OWNS | 248000 | ASSOCIATIONS: Trade | NATIONAL RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION | NA | 10 | 162671000 | 162671000 | 8611 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 4911 | 86110100 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 650 | VA | NA | Trade, Business, and Commercial Organizations | Electrical | NON-SUBSIDIARY | 3520 | | 22203-1867 | 3520 |
NA | 1919 | 1.7e+07 | Washington | annual dinner, for fundraising | 85 | National Parks & Conservation Association | NA | NA | 11 | individual, $25 annual | 07-484-5157 | 0.0511892566815803 | | 102 | 1919 | National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) | NA | NA | NA | Civic/Social Association | NA | HEADQUARTERS | NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION | 300000 | FALSE | 813410 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 3489 | PRIVATE | RENTS | 2100 | MEMBERSHIP ORGS, CIVIC, SOCIAL & FRATERNAL: Protection | NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION | NA | 10 | 60423400 | 60423400 | 8699 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 9512 | 86419903 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 110 | DC | NA | Legal, Governmental, Public Administration, and Military Organizations | Parks and Recreation | NON-SUBSIDIARY | 3489 | | 20036-1628 | 3489 |
Breiger & Pattison (1986), in their discussion of local role analysis, use a subset of data on the social relations among Renaissance Florentine families (person aggregates) collected by John Padgett in 1994 from historical documents. The two relations are business ties (flobusiness - specifically, recorded financial ties such as loans, credits and joint partnerships) and marriage alliances (flomarriage).
As Breiger & Pattison point out, the original data are symmetrically coded. This is acceptable perhaps for marital ties, but is unfortunate for the financial ties (which are almost certainly directed). To remedy this, the financial ties can be recoded as directed relations using some external measure of power - for instance, a measure of wealth. Both networks provide vertex information on (1) wealth each family’s net wealth in 1427 (in thousands of lira); (2) priorates the number of priorates (seats on the civic council) held between 1282- 1344; and (3) totalties the total number of business or marriage ties in the total dataset of 116 families (see Breiger & Pattison (1986), p 239).
Substantively, the data include families who were locked in a struggle for political control of the city of Florence in around 1430. Two factions were dominant in this struggle: one revolved around the infamous Medicis (9), the other around the powerful Strozzis (15).
# if you're interested in exploring the complete dataset, check it here
florentine.families <- rio::import("./data/florentine_families_relations_full.xlsx")
# Group by family surname and sum over ties
flo.marriage.fam <- florentine.families %>% filter(Relationship_type=="Marriage") %>% group_by(sender=tolower(Actor1surname), receiver=tolower(Actor2surname)) %>% summarise(Tie_coding= n())
flo.g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(flo.marriage.fam)
igraph::V(flo.g)$color <- as.factor(igraph::V(flo.g)$name)
# Plot
igraph::plot.igraph(flo.g, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,